Pho Polls

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Would you like to have pho on your campus?

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Pho seafood is not exactly authentic pho. Your opinion?

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What's for lunch or dinner this week? Pick two.

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Have you found your favorite pho restaurant(s)?

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Chopsticks or fork?

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Pho-only restaurants or with other Viet dishes on menu too?

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Tough choices: pho, hu tieu or bun bo Hue? Choose any 2.

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Made pho yourself?

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Pho and hu tieu head-to-head.

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How many good pho restaurants are there in your town?

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First published Apr 23, 2009 @ 12:48PM


    • Cuong Huynh 13 November, 2018 at 09:24 Reply

      @Victor: After taking a poll, the poll itself will refresh to show the result right where the poll used to. be. If there are multiple polls on a page like on this page, then you will see poll results for only those you’ve taken.

      Thanks for participating.

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